Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Schedule

Orientation continued today and I have my class schedule. The name of my school is “Enrique Beltran” Secundaria Diurna 293. It is in the area of Ermita Zaragoza in the delegation of Iztapalapa in the outskirts of Mexico City – the far east side. As the school is a “secundaria,” it’s equivalent to a U.S. junior high school, grades 7-9; although, rather than having grades 7-9, in Mexico they are called 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. There are 3 groups for each year (similar to the 3-4 teams each grade has at Wilmette Junior High). I am teaching English for first year students (equivalent to 7th grade) and therefore teach groups 1A (first year, group A), 1B and 1C. Each group has 25-30 students and each has English class 3 days a week. Each day I teach 1-2 classes and also have “service” time when I am available to substitute. With 9 hours of class and 10 hours of service, I have19 hours per week, leaving me plenty of time for the hour commute each way and time to complete my school work at school – what a concept!
8:20-9:10 1A (I teach first year, group A)
9:10-10:00 1C (I teach first year, group C)
10:00-10:50 SE (“Servicio” - Service - a time when I’m available to substitute for other classes when necessary)
10:50-11:10 DESCANSO (A break when students can have a snack.)
11:10-12:00 SE
10:00-10:50 SE
10:50-11:10 DESCANSO
11:10-12:00 1B
12:00-12:50 SE
12:50-1:40 1C
10:00-10:50 SE
10:50-11:10 DESCANSO
11:10-12:00 SE
12:00-12:50 1B
12:50-1:40 1A
10:50-11:10 DESCANSO
11:10-12:00 SE
12:00-12:50 1A
12:50-1:40 SE
10:00-10:50 SE
10:50-11:10 DESCANSO
11:10-12:00 SE
12:00-12:50 1C
12:50-1:40 1B