To see photos from my weekend with Sward, click on the title of today's entry, or copy and paste the following site into your browser: http://homepage.mac.com/rachelsair/fulbright/PhotoAlbum48.html
It’s all too appropriate that my “Cheesy Weekend” was spent with Sward (Sarah is her given name), one of the biggest Cheeseheads I know. It all started Thursday afternoon when we checked into the Marriott hotel (thanks mom and dad for having extra nights that you had to use before the end of the year) and received a complimentary cheese platter. We stuffed our faces full of soft, scrumptious Brie.
Later on that evening we met up with Andi and Karina to go to the David Copperfield show. Copperfield’s illusions are amazing, I can’t stop wondering how he “transported” an audience member to the Philippines to be with his father; made a car “appear” on stage even while there were audience members surrounding the area; and predicted a “lottery number” – the same one that his father had played every week – that about five different audience members contributed to making. But I also can’t stop thinking about the sentimental, touching and sweet moments that I thought came off quite cheesy. Besides all of those “moments,” Copperfield also took the art of “play on words” (of which I am a huge fan) and pushed it over the edge, often taking away the funny and leaving behind a lot of cheese.
The next day, the cheese was entirely my fault. Irving Berlin’s song “Heaven, I’m in Heaven” looped around my head all day. Sward and I began the day with the Marriott’s incredible concierge breakfast, full of cream cheese and bagels and more Brie. Then, we worked out and enjoyed the whirlpool and pool. It was a “heavenly” day, but no need to go so far as to sing a Berlin song all day – and unfortunately for Sward, out loud a bunch of times. At 3:00, however, it was time to check out, leave Fantasyland and head back out to the real world.
From the hotel, I had the cab take a spin down Masaryk, not exactly the “real world” as we passed all of the disgustingly overpriced stores; that are empty every time I pass by. We spent the night in Coyoacán, much more my style, “down to earth”, enjoying dinner at my favorite restaurant, El Mesón Santa Catarina.
Saturday’s Tae Bo workout with Colorado was cheesier than all of the previous events put together. First, he was wearing face paint, as if he were in combat or something. After each of the ten “rounds” he stopped, talked and had someone kick or punch the Styrofoam on which was written the round’s number. A couple of times he said, “We are family” and even gave out towels on which that phrase was stitched.
Later that morning, we finally made it to Sanborn’s where the “molletes” – a “bolillo” (roll) with beans and cheese melted on top – were as incredible as Sward remembered from when she was here four years ago. From there we walked all over San Angel’s cobblestone streets, browsed the markets and Sward found a beautiful blue and white ceramic serving bowl for her mom. We had appetizers at San Angel Inn and returned to Coyoacán where we had “queso fundido” (melted cheese) and cervezas.
That evening we walked around Coyoacán’s weekend market area and made it to the quesadilla stand area for “elote,” corn that was barbequed, cut in a cup and topped with lime, salt, mayonnaise, cheese and a little chile powder. Then, we bought a giant cup of “horchata,” rice water that was made with oats and cinnamon; it was the tastiest I have ever had.
Sunday morning we had breakfast at Las Lupitas where Sward had another version of molletes. We returned to the quesadilla stands for another round of “horchata,” unfortunately it only tasted like chocolate milk this time around. Unfortunately, when 12:00 rolled around it was time to redirect to the airport; at least the Traffic Gods were looking out for us as we zoomed the whole way there, avoiding any traffic – quite unusual for Mexico City.