There are about 250 cows in Mexico City – fiberglass cows that is, as part of CowParade. The first exhibit of CowParade took place in Switzerland in 1998, it mooved on to more than 19 cities around the world, including Chicago in 1999 (I still remember the Eli’s Cheescake Cow). As the majority of the cows in Chicago were displayed along Michigan Avenue and the surrounding areas, here in D.F. the majority of the cows roam along the main road of Reforma, while some graze the parks in Polanco, Condesa and the Historical Center. They will remain until February 2006, when they will be auctioned off to raise funds for local charities. Mexico City met the requirements to host CowParade as it has a large population (about 20 million in the metropolitan area), a “cosmopolitan” character and highly developed visual arts traditions.
CowParade works by commissioning artists to decorate the fiberglass cows which are publicly displayed in one city and later auctioned off internationally to benefit charitable organizations in the host city. Grupo Lala, (a milk company) is sponsoring the Mexico City exposition.