We began with a short van ride to a traditional Mexican restaurant where we dined on tortilla soup, beef or fish and flan or very yellow jello filled with something like eggnog. All the while we enjoyed a live Mariachi band with voices and accompanying instruments booming from microphones. We enjoyed the meal, and the one included alcoholic beverage, so much that most of us looked ready to take a nap, not exactly go to a soccer game.
Once we made it to the stadium, we were awoken by all of the excitement. Soccer fans are extremely passionate and the stands close to the field are filled with various fan clubs. Throughout the game, they proudly display their banners and also get a workout while constantly on their feet, jumping up and down. América did not disappoint its loyal followers, the team easily won 4-1 and continued its streak of over two years now without a loss. It’s been a long time since I’ve been as animated as América’s fans are at a sports event – actually it’s been two years, since the Cubs’ run in the playoffs.